Awarded Grants
Below is a listing of our awarded grants that tackle big food and agriculture challenges.

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86 Grants found

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Row Crops to Perennial Pasture: Feeding the World, Conserving Water, Enhancing Soil and Safeguarding the Climate

Year Awarded  2024

FFAR award amount   $996,165

Total award amount   $1,992,231

Location   Lubbock, TX

Program   Seeding Solutions

Matching Funders   Cactus Feeders and Texas A&M AgriLife

Grantee Institution   Texas A&M AgriLife

This research is developing best management practices that sustainably convert row crop production to perennial forage systems and enhance producer resiliency in the Texas High Plains.

Determinants of Persistent Cover Crop Adoption and Dis-Adoption to Inform More Effective Farmer Incentives for Durable Adoption

Year Awarded  2024

FFAR award amount   $138,888

Total award amount   $277,777

Location   Arlington, VA

Program   AgMission

Matching Funders   The Nature Conservancy

Grantee Institution   The Nature Conservancy

This AgMission grant is evaluating cover crop adoption and identifying the factors leading to their successful, long-term use in the Midwestern United States.

FoodShot Global Challenge #4 Water GroundBreaker Prize (Indiana)

Year Awarded  2024

Total award amount   150,000

Location   Indianapolis, IN

Program   FoodShot Global Challenge

Matching Funders   Builders Initiative, FoodShot Global, The Rockefeller Foundation

Grantee Institution   Atarraya

Dr. Daniel Russek’s transformative Shrimpbox technology reduces water usage by over 98% compared to traditional methods and eliminates discharges. This innovation promotes efficient water management and mitigates the environmental impact of shrimp production. Dr. Russek’s initiative integrates regenerative agriculture with sustainable aquaculture by enhancing soil health and crop productivity at Atarraya’s Smart Biotech shrimp farm in Oaxaca, Mexico, and providing a scalable model for global adaptation.

FoodShot Global Challenge #4 Water GroundBreaker Prize (United Kingdom)

Year Awarded  2024

Total award amount   80,000

Location   London, United Kingdom

Program   FoodShot Global Challenge

Matching Funders   Builders Initiative, FoodShot Global, The Rockefeller Foundation

Grantee Institution   ThinkAqua

Alexandra Pounds is expanding the Resilient Aquaculture Designs (RAD) initiative in Uganda and Kenya. RAD creates networked clusters around locally owned hubs that provide farmers with market access, inputs and technical support. The initiative addresses smallholder farmers’ needs by ensuring a ready market for tilapia, producing high-quality seed fish and reducing production costs by using fish feed from Black Soldier Fly larvae, which also serve as organic fertilizer.

FoodShot Global Challenge #4 Water GroundBreaker Prize (Arizona)

Year Awarded  2024

Total award amount   $250,000

Location   Tucson, AZ

Program   FoodShot Global Challenge

Matching Funders   Builders Initiative, FoodShot Global, The Rockefeller Foundation

Grantee Institution   University of Arizona, Hydro Futures

Dr. Laura Condon developed the only national platform that simulates watershed dynamics from bedrock to treetops across the United States, providing producers with cost-effective predictions and improving irrigation and crop choices at only a fraction of the cost of traditional models. Dr. Condon aims to develop new capabilities to evaluate irrigation and crop scenarios and accelerate the commercial adoption of these innovative tools.

Fast-Track On-Farm Impact from the Cool Soil Initiative to Enhance the Climate Resilience of Australia’s Grain Producers

Year Awarded  2024

FFAR award amount   $748,394

Total award amount   $3,783,598

Location   Bathurst, Australia

Program   AgMission

Matching Funders   PepsiCo, Cool Soil Initiative

Grantee Institution   Charles Stuart University

Charles Stuart University is examining climate-smart agriculture practices in cropping and enhance the climate resilience of local Australian grain producers. This research builds on the Cool Soil Initiative, a partnership that has built and implemented a scientifically credible framework to support farmers in practices that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase soil health.

Accelerating the Adoption of Climate Resilient Regenerative Agricultural Practices Across the Wheat and Maize Value Chain in the Mexican Bajío

Year Awarded  2024

FFAR award amount   $750,000

Total award amount   $1,500,000

Location   Texcoco, Mexico

Program   AgMission

Matching Funders   PepsiCo

Grantee Institution   International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)

CIMMYT is conducting research to accelerate the adoption of regenerative climate-smart agricultural practices in wheat and maize in Mexico. Researchers are using field measurements and modeling to estimate current and potential greenhouse gas emission reductions from climate-smart agriculture adoption in the Bajío region of Mexico.

Co-development of Innovative Prairie Cover Crop Strategies to Drive Adoption of Regenerative Climate Smart Agriculture in Key Sourcing Regions

Year Awarded  2024

FFAR award amount   $749,346

Total award amount   $1,498,693

Location   Saskatchewan, Canada

Program   AgMission

Matching Funders   PepsiCo

Grantee Institution   South East Research Farm

South East Research Farm is collaborating with University of Manitoba researchers to collect farm-level data that will be used in environmental models to evaluate the suitability of climate-smart agriculture practices and their impact on crop yield, grain quality, soil health and environmental services.

AgMission™ Funds Global Youth Consultation to Co-Create Agricultural Solutions with Young Farmers

Year Awarded  2024

FFAR award amount   $171,355

Total award amount   $342,710

Location   Rome, Italy

Program   AgMission

Matching Funders   McDonald’s and PepsiCo

Grantee Institution   World Farmers’ Organisation

This AgMission grants builds on the 2023 Global Producers’ Consultation resulting from the development and implementation of a novel farmer-driven methodology. The goal was to accelerate adoption of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) by consulting producers on a global scale and collecting information about their needs and expectations. This new award expands on last year’s research to support a new iteration, the Global Youth Consultation, which focuses specifically on young farmers.

Increasing Motivation and Promoting Persistence in Farmer Conservation

Year Awarded  2023

FFAR award amount   $120,238

Total award amount   $246,924

Location   Columbus, OH

Program   Achieving Conservation Through Targeted Information, Outreach and Networking (ACTION) Program

Matching Funders   Walton Family Foundation

Grantee Institution   The Ohio State University

Almost half of growers who do not implement conservation practices have positive attitudes about those practices. This project is testing the effects of interventions meant to close this gap. Researchers will develop targeted engagement that addresses farmers’ needs, including plans for overcoming challenges and maintaining motivation to continue conservation practices when financial incentives end. The team is developing interventions that target the gap between valuing conservation and implementing practices, assessing their effectiveness and creating guidance for scaling up the proposed interventions.