Awarded Grants
Below is a listing of our awarded grants that tackle big food and agriculture challenges.

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158 Grants found

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ICASA: Improving the efficacy of vaccination against mycoplasma hyosynoviae by identifying optimal application times

Year Awarded  2022

FFAR award amount   $149,748

Total award amount   $359,618

Location   St. Paul, MN

Matching Funders   Boehringer Ingelheim, Newport Laboratories, Pipestone Veterinary Services, Tyson Foods and University of Minnesota

Grantee Institution   University of Minnesota, College of Veterinary Medicine

University of Minnesota researchers are identifying the optimal time for vaccine application against M. hyosynoviae, which will result in significant prevention of lameness development in grow-finish swine and translate into reduced use of antibiotics for disease control.

ICASA: Risk Factors for Lameness in Finishing Pigs

Year Awarded  2022

FFAR award amount   $127,703

Total award amount   $268,493

Location   Philadelphia, PA

Matching Funders   PIC and University of Pennsylvania

Grantee Institution   University of Pennsylvania , School of Veterinary Medicine

University of Pennsylvania researchers are identifying factors that cause swine lameness to determine whether management factors like floor type, pen size and nutrition underlie common lameness problems. Little is known about the incidence and causes of lameness in swine.

ICASA: Development of a non-invasive model to induce liver abscess formation in cattle

Year Awarded  2022

FFAR award amount   $85,700

Total award amount   $180,922

Location   Beltsville, MD

Matching Funders   USDA-ARS, Kansas State University and West Texas A&M University

Grantee Institution   U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service

USDA-ARS researchers are developing a minimally invasive model that induces liver abscesses and improves researchers’ ability to study the development and mitigation of the abscesses, while reducing the time necessary to generate enough animals to study.

Genomic foundation for neodomestication and breeding of a halophytic grain crop, Distichlis palmeri

Year Awarded  2022

FFAR award amount   $985,000

Total award amount   $1,984,237

Location   Thuwal, Saudi Arabia

Matching Funders   King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Grantee Institution   King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Climate change, rising sea levels and depleting freshwater reserves are causing a rapid increase in soil salinization, meaning higher levels of salt in the ground. King Abdullah University of Science and Technology researchers are assessing the domestication potential of Distichlis palmeri (D. palmeri), a saltwater-loving plant found in the tidal plains around the Gulf of California in Mexico and consumed by Indigenous peoples, which would help transition salt-degraded lands into productive, sustainable agriculture ecosystems.

Building a Common Language for Antimicrobial Resistance Between Human & Animal Health

Year Awarded  2022

FFAR award amount   $216,724

Total award amount   $433,449

Location   Ames, IA

Program   Seeding Solutions

Matching Funders   Merck MSD

Grantee Institution   Iowa State University

To strengthen antimicrobial stewardship within livestock veterinary medicine this research aims to develop a standard method of collecting, reporting and sharing multispecies antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) results for use in human and animal health industries.

Enabling African Scientists: The African Plant Breeding Academy CRISPR Course

Year Awarded  2022

FFAR award amount   $1,000,000

Total award amount   $1,999,998

Location   Davis, CA

Matching Funders   Bayer Crop Sciences, Syngenta Seeds, LLC

Grantee Institution   University of California Davis

While Africa is abundant with crops, African farmers need crop breeding tools and training to be self-sustainable and achieve nutritional security. To advance crop breeding and mobilize innovation for regional crops, the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) to create and deliver a CRISPR Course on gene editing through UC Davis’ African Plant Breeding Academy. The Course is training 80 African scientists to develop improved regional crop varieties with the characteristics required for successful crop production and nutrition.

Investigating Natural Nitro-Compounds as a Viable Strategy to Reduce Enteric Methane Emission from Ruminants

Year Awarded  2022

FFAR award amount   $455,704

Total award amount   $914,543

Location   State College, PA

Program   Seeding Solutions

Matching Funders   Purina Animal Nutrition

Grantee Institution   Penn State University

Enteric methane is the single largest source of direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the beef and dairy sectors, representing 2.5% of total U.S. GHG emissions. Led by Dr. Alexander N. Hristov, researchers are investigating using a non-synthetic form of an anti-methanogenic compound, 3-nitro-1-propionic acid (3-NPA), derived from plant and fungal sources as a feed additive to reduce enteric methane in ruminants.

Fecal Microbiota Transplant to Reduce Post Weaning Diarrhea & Antibiotic Use

Year Awarded  2021

Total award amount   $311,354

Location   Lafayette, IN

Matching Funders   Purdue University and National Pork Board

Grantee Institution   Purdue University

This research is investigating using fecal microbiota, or stool, transplants to reduce post-weaning diarrhea and antibiotic use in swine. Post-weaning diarrhea is caused when bacteria invade the gut, which becomes weakened from the diet change, transportation and change in environment that occurs during weaning. Researchers are administering the fecal transplants though a feed amendment with freeze-dried fecal microbiota, a less labor-intensive method than traditional oral gavage and better suited for commercial settings. If effective, the results could be optimized for other animal species and be developed into proprietary feed additive-type technologies by the animal health industry.

Improving the Efficacy of Vaccination Against Mycoplasma Hyosynoviae by Identifying Optimal Application Times

Year Awarded  2021

Total award amount   $359,618

Location   St. Paul, MN

Matching Funders   Newport Laboratories, Tyson Foods, Pipestone Veterinary Services, Regents of the University of Minnesota and Boehringer Ingelheim

Grantee Institution   University of Minnesota

Mycoplasma hyosynoviae (M. hyosynoviae) bacteria cause respiratory disease and lameness in pigs, contributing to economic loss and decreased animal welfare, and is a major driver of antibiotic use in swine production. This research identifies the optimal time for vaccine application against M. hyosynoviae in swine, which will result in significant prevention of lameness development in grow-finish swine and translate into reduced use of antibiotics for disease control.

Risk Factors for Lameness in Finishing Pigs

Year Awarded  2021

Total award amount   $268,493

Location   Philadelphia, PA

Matching Funders   University of Pennsylvania and PIC

Grantee Institution   University of Pennsylvania

Mycoplasma hyosynoviae (M. hyosynoviae) bacteria cause respiratory disease and lameness in pigs, contributing to economic loss and decreased animal welfare, and is a major driver of antibiotic use in swine production. Little is known about the incidence and causes of lameness in swine. This research is identifying factors that cause swine lameness to determine whether management factors like floor type, pen size and nutrition underlie common lameness problems. If lameness is caused by non-bacterial factors like M. hyosynoviae, alternative methods of prevention can be identified, reducing antibiotic usage.