Awarded Grants
Below is a listing of our awarded grants that tackle big food and agriculture challenges.

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158 Grants found

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Leveraging landrace genomics to rapidly engineer thermotolerant cassava

Year Awarded  2021

FFAR award amount   $499,999

Total award amount   $999,999

Location   Davis, CA

Program   Increasing Climate Resilience in Crops

Matching Funders   Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Grantee Institution   University of California Davis

While scientists now wield breakthrough technologies to edit crop genomes to enable climate resiliency, there is still a gap in knowledge of which genes must be edited. This research is leveraging the valuable but largely untapped reservoir of information stored in the genomes of crop landraces—traditional varieties adapted to diverse environments. Combining newly developed genomic analysis and climate modelling approaches, researchers are identifying gene variants predicted to be adaptive to future climates, with an emphasis on temperature extremes, and using genetic engineering techniques to generate cassava varieties to accelerate breeding.

Genetic incorporation of physiological mechanisms of high night temperature tolerance into rice improvement programs

Year Awarded  2021

FFAR award amount   $384,369

Total award amount   $768,738

Location   College Station, TX

Program   Increasing Climate Resilience in Crops

Matching Funders   Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Grantee Institution   Texas A&M AgriLife

Rice, a major global food crop, is susceptible to heat stress losses in yield. Nighttime heat stress affects processes throughout the rice plant, including photosynthesis, respiration, nutrient transfer and reproduction. This research is enhancing two targeted rice genes that can provide increased tolerance when under heat stress. The first gene alters specific plant hormone responses, and the second gene enhances nutrient transfer. The project will also distribute low-cost methods for screening rice and other crops for heat stress responses based on physiological traits, aiding breeding programs in low-income countries.

Advancing methods for accelerated heat tolerance selection in peanut

Year Awarded  2021

FFAR award amount   $274,754

Total award amount   $549,507

Location   Athens, GA

Program   Increasing Climate Resilience in Crops

Matching Funders   Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Grantee Institution   University of Georgia

Peanut is a high-protein food crop grown mostly in tropical and subtropical regions, and it is directly threatened by increasing global temperature. This research is studying multiple peanut genotypes and varieties to identify genes, molecular mechanisms and photosynthetic processes related to heat stress and tolerance. The researchers are developing an automated model, the Peanut-ThermoTool, to indicate heat tolerance in peanut and rank genotypes for heat tolerance, predicting their capabilities to function during and recover after a period of heat stress. The genotypes possessing heat-tolerance traits will be available in the germplasm collection, serving as genetic resources for heat tolerance in breeding programs.

Exploiting conserved gene regulation mechanisms for genome-wide breeding for heat & broad-spectrum disease tolerance in rice

Year Awarded  2021

FFAR award amount   $470,459

Total award amount   $940,917

Location   Fort Collins, CO

Program   Increasing Climate Resilience in Crops

Matching Funders   Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Grantee Institution   Colarado State University

Developing heat and disease resistant crop varieties takes a long time, particularly because these traits are complex and controlled by multiple genes. In addition, reliable genetic markers identifying relevant traits are not readily available, making breeding more challenging. This research is developing a strategy to generate reliable markers of stress-response DNA sequences to efficiently activate genes involved in heat tolerance and disease defenses in rice. The genetic markers could be applied in any crop breeding program, whether in low- or high-income countries.

FFAR Awards Cornell University a Grant to Treat Udder Infection in Dairy Cattle

Year Awarded  2021

FFAR award amount   $642,202

Total award amount   $14,000,000

Location   Ithaca, NY

Program   Seeding Solutions

Matching Funders   New York Farm Viability Institute, Elanco

Grantee Institution   Cornell University

Mastitis, a common and costly udder infection in dairy cattle is a major economic problem for dairy farmers. Cornell University researchers are exploring compounds secreted by stem cells as a potential therapy for mastitis.

Sustainable Production of High-Performance Feed Supplements

Year Awarded  2021

FFAR award amount   $653,035

Total award amount   $1,410,000

Location   St. Paul, MN

Program   Seeding Solutions

Matching Funders   Launch Minnesota, Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, private equity financing and Sasya, Inc.

Grantee Institution   University of Minnesota

As consumer demand for animal protein increases, meat producers are under tremendous pressure to increase productivity, while maintaining profitability. As a result, many producers rely on feed supplements to encourage faster growth, reduce disease and improve feed efficiency. This Seeding Solutions grant awarded to Sasya, Inc. supports the development of sustainable, cost-effective, multi-species feed supplements that are safe for livestock, the environment and human consumption.

ICASA Awards Grants to Develop Animal-Health Monitoring and Diagnostic Technologies 

Year Awarded  2021

FFAR award amount   $7,500,000

Total award amount   $15,000,000

Location   Washington, D.C.

Grantee Institution   Texas A&M, Precision Livestock Technology, Purdue University, USDA-ARS

The International Consortium for Antimicrobial Stewardship in Agriculture (ICASA), a public-private partnership established by the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR) to advance research on antimicrobial stewardship in animal agriculture, awarded grants to four organizations for research supporting the development of animal-health monitoring and diagnostic technologies.  

FFAR Grant to Develop Vaccine for Tilapia Lake Virus

Year Awarded  2021

FFAR award amount   $790,326

Total award amount   $1,830,312

Location   Gainesville, FL

Program   Seeding Solutions

Matching Funders   Curtiss Healthcare

Grantee Institution   University of Florida

Tilapia provides protein for billions of people each year. These fish are under threat from tilapia lake virus, a highly contagious virus that causes high mortality rates among tilapia and poses a global threat to food security. University of Florida researchers are developing a vaccine delivery system that will prevent the spread of tilapia lake virus and other diseases in the aquaculture industry.

Scalable breeding for plant growth to address the challenges of climate change

Year Awarded  2020

FFAR award amount   $796,878

Total award amount   $1,593,756

Location   Ithaca, NY

Program   Seeding Solutions

Matching Funders   BASF, Limagrain, Virginia Crop Improvement Association

Grantee Institution   Cornell University

Climate change is creating increasingly unstable farming environments, leading to unpredictable yields and quality. Crop breeding programs aim to develop crops that can thrive despite climate instability; however, breeding programs face their own challenges in predicting how the climate will change and how crops will respond. One specific challenge to breeding programs is the lack of information about how plant genomes and growing conditions interact, and how that interaction impacts agronomic traits such as yield. Cornell University researchers are studying how different plant genomes respond to environment conditions throughout the entire growing season, with the goal of improving crops’ climate resiliency.

Innovations in Plant Genetics to Develop Intermediate Wheatgrass as a Next-Generation Sustainable Crop

Year Awarded  2020

FFAR award amount   $992,419

Total award amount   $1,985,206

Location   Minneapolis, MN

Program   Seeding Solutions

Matching Funders   Forever Green Initiative, Malone Family Land Preservation Foundation, The Land Institute

Grantee Institution   University of Minnesota

The University of Minnesota is accelerate the development of intermediate wheatgrass, trademarked as Kernza by The Land Institute, which is a perennial plant, meaning it requires only one planting. Not only do perennial crops like Kernza reduce labor and input costs, their deep roots reduce soil erosion and trap more carbon, benefitting the environment.